Founded in 1987, by the dynamic duo of Sam Moyo (the late) and Dr. Yemi Katerere, ZERO envisions a Zimbabwe where actors are connected, inspired and empowered to create innovative and tangible solutions to biodiversity and energy challenges and their nexus to climate change and food production systems. ZERO is a key influential player in both national and regional sustainable development policy formulation processes that guide people-centered development. The organisation has filled a critical gap in policy research, analysis, and advocacy in all matters related to sustainable development in Southern Africa. ZERO has also left an indelible mark on policy formulation and advocacy processes through high level interactions with: various UN agencies; government ministries; local authorities; international development organisations; the private sector; academia; and community-based organisations
– African Proverb
11 Creswick Road, Hillside, Harare, Zimbabwe
Mon – Fri: 9.00 am – 4.00 pm
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